Welcome to Alarm Opinion🏠

We’re Ryan and Lee. we’ve been writing about home safety content creation since 2022.
We own more than 20 products by First Alert, Kidde, Fireangel and X-sense.
Choosing the right devices makes a difference in your home safety.

Here are the reviews, comparisons, and collections of the best.

What Alarm Opinion is All About💡

  • Smoke Alarm
  • Carbon Monoxide Alarm
  • Heat Alarm
  • Gas Alarm

Why Trust Alarm Opinion💡

We are Professionals

We’ve been alarm professionals since 2022. We run alarm businesses and have created and managed content programs for numerous home safety-related brands.

We Own The Gear

We own X-sense(5models), Kiddle (5 models), and Fireangel (7 models) products. Plus a selection of First Alert, and other safety alarms.